An Elegant Canopy in Clifton

We’ve been digging through the back catalogue of projects and rediscovered this gem of a project. In 2017 we were commissioned to design, make and install this huge balcony canopy on a privately owned Georgian house that was undergoing extensive renovations in Clifton, Bristol.

The Ironart team had already restored a pre-existing decorative porch on a side entrance of the house, from which Andy drew inspiration for the detail of this large balcony canopy.

Andy’s design was rigorously tested by a team of structural engineers. Hidden within the first floor balcony is a full structural floor, enveloped in timber board and floor tiles. The canopy was completed by other contractors with a zinc sheet roof with tongue and groove between the steel hips. Some of these images show the project before it was fully completed (the giveaway signs are the attractive yellow builder’s bucket!) But you’ll also see the solid steel plates at the base which were eventually neatly covered with sympathetic stone paving.

The whole Ironart team were involved in this ambitious project which took a whopping 183 workshop days to make, and 11 full days to paint. We think the results are spectacular and hope you agree!