Some happy snaps taken today showing the diversity of projects on the go here at Ironart in a typical working day!
Jason has made this set of three beautiful forged field gates for a wedding venue in Canterbury, Kent which have just come back from the galvanizers. Dom was working on some fiddly drop bolts for a customer while Martin has been busy laying out pieces for an amazing ‘found objects’ entrance gate which will grace the entrance of a cool revamped pub on Colston Hill in the heart of Bristol. This project has been commissioned by local interior and garden design firm Woodhouse & Law. We can tell that Martin is in his element working on this project because he’s been singing non-stop since he started work on it. The gate will evolve as it comes together – we’ll keep you posted as he progresses it. He’s also working on two antique Coalbrookdale benches, one Lily of the Valley three seat bench dated 1864 and a huge 6ft long Nasturtium bench – never a dull moment!