Ironart of Bath, one day forging workshops

Open workshops – Sat 3rd May 2014

If you’ve ever walked along Upper Lambridge Street and wondered what goes on behind the workshop doors at Ironart, now is your chance to find out!  For the first time since we revamped the workshop we are opening our doors and welcoming the general public  to take a tour around the business and meet our talented team during the Larkhall Festival in May

We are taking part in the Larkhall Open Studios event which is a thriving annual artists trail in this part of Bath. The workshops will be open for a period on Saturday 3rd May 2014. We’ll post more details about this event nearer the time, sign up to our newsletter or keep an eye on our blog to make sure you don’t miss it.

Larkhall Open Studios 2014 Ironart Open Workshop 2013 (1)

Open workshops July 2013 (7)