The Ironart Twitter feed has been very active this week as the shop owners, shoppers and residents on Bartlett Street have noticed the scaffolding coming down. At last the newly restored sign gantry that we’ve been restoring (featured in earlier blog posts) has been revealed. The sign has had new gilt lettering added announcing the “Bartlett Street Quarter” – the gilding was carried out by one of our favourite local craftsman Krysta Brooks from Frome.
The close-knit independent shop keeping community on Bartlett Street are planning a celebratory street party on Saturday 12th September from 10am – 6pm with live music, great food and entertainments – all will be welcome so put the date in your diaries and go along if you can. We’ll post more details when we have some.
In the meatime, search #BartlettStreetQuarter on Twitter to follow their story.