We were commissioned by Strachey Conservation to restore the weathervane from the spire of Holy Trinity Church in Cleeve, near Bristol. Our brief was to remove and completely restore the weather vane, which looked as if it had had extensive repairs with a variety of materials over it’s lifetime. Martin went on site with James from Strachey where they were met with the difficult task of removing it. The weathervane had been fixed very steadfastly into the top of a beam 4ft below the roof, with a 40ft drop below to the belfry!
Ironart’s restoration schedule for this weathervane included removing the corrosion then joining the two halves together with a threaded bar. Martin remodelled the missing cardinal point from scratch using original puddled wrought iron sheet before rivetting it back on. The whole weathervane was painted to minimise future rusting and the cardinal points were finished in gold leaf.